November 27, 2009

The all mighty 5D

Hi everyone,

          I just found a used 5D for cheap on Kijiji and I plan on buying it in the next week. So what's the big deal about the 5D vs say a XXD or XXXD camera?

          Well first, it's what we call a fullframe camera. Fullframe as in full-frame sensor size. What it means is that it's pretty much the size of an old film SLR-Camera (24mm x 36mm)*. This allows to have bigger and better cells that can render details more efficiently.

          Second, it doesn't have any crop factor. What it means is that: If I put a 135mm lens on my current 30D camera, it's like having a 200mm lens on a SLR film camera. With the 5D, a 135mm is a 135mm, which in my case, is great.

           Third, since the sensor is bigger, it has better ISO noise handling. No much to say here, except a 5D at ISO 1600 is almost like a 30D at ISO 400. Big difference.

          Fourth, the 5D can have a thinner depth of field. That means a f/2.8 is really a f/2.8, not a f/4.5. This makes for a beautiful background bokeh / blur.

So all in all, I had lots of good reasons to go fullframe, so I did the jump!
I'll try to post some pics soon for you to compare!

*The crop-body cameras are approx 15mm x 22.5mm

September 23, 2009

Primes vs Zoom lenses

In the last weeks, I was debating over different possibilities regarding my next lenses buying options. I had several criterias in doing so.

First I didn't want to buy EF-S lenses anymore (those lenses are for what we call "crop bodies" only.) because eventually I will want to switch to full frame digital cameras.

Second, I was in a big dilemma on whether I should buy one very good zoom or two very good primes. Zooms are more practical in any situation, but I didn't like the fact that the EF 24-70 was 2.8 only. Plus, for less than it's price, I could have the EF 50mm f/1.4 and the highly regarded 85mm f/1.8.

So I went for the second option.
What do you think?

September 16, 2009

The Make up Party

Hi everyone,
         This week-end I will do another photo shoot with a make-up artist named Dimitra. It's great to know she lives near me, because it will be easier to meet and make projects together. If everything goes well, I might just have another invaluable contact in this industry.

         In another topic, I want to buy another lens. I am hesitating between the sigma 50mm 1.4 and the Canon 50mm 1.2L lens. There is a big price difference between the two (like; three times the price).

        On one hand I love the Canon L series. I already have the 135 and I'm spoiled by it. Also build quality is addictively excellent. But I find it a bit to long for indoor portraits. Also 1.2 is not really better than 1.4, but I just don't trust Sigma that much having read the reviews on the net. But dammit, 1.6K is so much!!!!

         Though choice to make.

September 03, 2009

New pictures are up on my site!

Hey everyone,
I just put up some tests I made with friends on my website. Here is the equipment I used for the Kristelle and Max Portraits:

Speedlite 420EX on the side     (Slave)
Speedlite 580EX II in front         (Master)
Canon 30D
135 f/2L
17-85mm f/4-5.6
70-200mm f/4

I took about 200 pictures for the whole 3 sets, and selected the best ones. Be advised those pictures have not been photoshopped.

Go to and click Photos at the top to see them !