February 11, 2010

The most useful Freeware program for a Photographer

Hi all,

Just a quick note to tell you about a small freeware program I found about 10 years ago that made my life a lot easier as a photograph but also as a picture user since then.

It is
Go now and download the latest version if you don't have it already!

ps. Nobody paid me for this blatant advertisement. It's just a tool I love :)

February 09, 2010

The Octobox advantage

Hi all,

        Today I'm gonna talk to you about the octo softbox. It's a really fun to use tool. It creates a semi-round catch light in your subjects and lights a big like a spot would like you.

I see it as a compromise between a beauty dish and a rectangular softbox. You can see an exemple of what can be achieved here:

This was taken with a 5D body, EF 85mm at f11 lens, and a White Lightning X1600 with 120cm Aurora Softbox.

A octobox looks like this:

related: http://www.alb.co.kr/image/eng/sub/softboxes/LBOR_120.jpg
Have fun!